hmm, I want ice cream, pizza, hot dogs, burgers, pastas, soto padang, gulai ayam , sayur nangka , gulai kambing martabak, pempek , tekwan ,pindang ayam, cream soup, seafood, noodles, dimsum, sushi, tempura, omelets, cakes, chocolate cookies, meatballs, chicken noodle, chicken, Kentucky, and much more
Jumat, 16 Juli 2010
If you could ask God one question what would it be?
I will ask the gods, it was smooth all my affairs for my success, for my future and my ideals. aaamin yah allah, yah my lord
Do you believe in angels?
yes, I believe there are his angels, because God created humans, animals, plants, and supernatural beings
Cats or Dogs?
I prefer cats because I love animals and I also maintain her home. very funny cats, and loves to play. I am not disgusted with the cat, only stupid people are disgusted with the funny animal
If your house was on fire and you could only grab three things, what would they be?
hmm, maybe I'll save my belongings such as electronics, clothes and then I'll save my pets and my cat-fish, then I will save my important files. but, not until I experienced a house fire. amin
Selasa, 06 Juli 2010
What did you dream about last night?
I do not know what I dreamed last night, because too many dreams I'm there at every bed. and he's between my dreams, I experience what I have ever done in my
dream, many people who call it "Djavu"
Do you believe there's intelligent life on other planets?
I do not believe in life on the planet san is very intelligent, which I believe is that humans are imperfect beings created by allah.swt than anything,
Where's your favorite place to buy clothes?
My favorite place and family, to buy clothing that is at the mall or at the ITC because of the place I can offer cheaper prices, and the clothes people had plenty of options to suit your taste and needs
If you could be invited to one person's birthday party, whose would it be?
I never attended a birthday party at the event and I do not care about it. I think I was wasting time. and I also never make my birthday party, because I think just throwing money
If you could ask Barack Obama one question what would it be?
I want to ask "when if you can make a peaceful state of Palestine and Israel? and whether you can restore the land or country of Palestine into the hands of the people of Palestine? Do not you feel sorry to see innocent people suffer and die in the killing by Israel soldiers?"
Who's the coolest person you know?
haha, very funny question. I think the coolest person that was loved by me. in my eyes he was very was Gentlemen. hehe:)
If you could only watch one TV show what would it be?
hmm I would watch cartoons. I love it because they watch cartoons, so amusing to me
What was the best advice you've ever received?
hmm I would watch cartoons. I love it because they watch cartoons, so amusing to me
What's one thing you own that you should probably throw away, but never will?
yes, when I should receive the best Sarn from someone and sya it will implement in my life. it's probably best for me
Minggu, 04 Juli 2010
What was your favorite TV show as a child?
If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
haha, yes maybe I will change my name when it was recommended. His actual name I have now is a gift from my grandmother when my mom had to donor's name for me, because I was born in the month of May so my mother gave the name "Meiyanca Safredy". but my grandmother did not like him, until finally he gave the name "Devina Safredy". I do not like the name "Devina:, but I like the name" meiyanca "
Where would you like to spend your retirement?
Would you rather be a famous musician or a famous actor?
How many countries have you traveled to?
If you were offered the job of U.S. president would you take the job?
haha. yes I would accept the job wholeheartedly. It is a pride for me and make my parents proud
What video game have you played the most?
If you could go on a road trip with any person, dead or alive, who would it be and where would you go?
I would opt to travel in an upright dead by the god